Qdenga Vaccine

Qdenga Vaccine

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RM 399.00
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RM 399.00
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Malaysia's first dengue vaccine protects against all four dengue virus types (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4) using weakened versions of the virus that can't cause illness. By stimulating the immune system, it encourages the body to produce antibodies that enable it to recognise and defend against the dengue virus if encountered in the future.

To know more about Qdenga Vaccine click here.

Terms & Conditions
  1. This online price is valid until 31/7/2025.
  2. Redemption period: 1 month from the purchase date.
  3. Accept individuals aged 18 and above only.
  4. Valid only for online purchases and applies to 1 person/package price.

Note: Your personal information (Full Name, IC/Passport Number, Date of Birth, Residential Postcode, and Vaccination location) will be recorded in the Acts2Care registry in compliance with the Ministry of Health (MOH) requirements.

  1. Appointments available weekdays only, between 2 PM and 3 PM.
  2. Click here for the redemption steps.
  3. Official receipt will be issued upon completion of vaccine.
  4. If you have any severe medical conditions e.g. history of end-stage renal failure or ongoing treatment for cancer, kindly seek our advice before purchasing.
  5. This package price does not include the medical consultation fee.
  6. This package is non-refundable unless a **severe allergic reaction occurs after the 1st dose, subject to:

    • **Symptoms include swelling (facial/oral), difficulty breathing, throat tingling/swelling sensation, or severe vomiting.
    • Doctor consultation to decide if the 2nd dose is advisable.
  7. Contraindication: Nil
This Vaccine includes the following:

 What Will You Get

    2 (two) doses of the Qdenga vaccine

The vaccine is administered as a subcutaneous injection with a three-month gap between doses

Potential Side Effects

Side effects from the Qdenga vaccine are usually mild to moderate and typically occur within 2 days of the injection, lasting 1 to 3 days. These effects tend to be less common after the second dose.

    1. Pain at the injection site
    2. Headache
    3. Muscle Pain (Myalgia)
    4. Redness at the injection site (Erythema)
    5. General discomfort (Malaise)
    6. Weakness (Asthenia)
    7. Fever

Who Is Not Eligible for the Vaccine

    1. Pregnant Women.

    Note: For women planning to conceive, it is advised to wait at least one month after completing the 2-dose vaccination before attempting pregnancy.

    1. Breastfeeding Women.
    2. Cancer patients who are undergoing active treatment.
    3. People with weakened immune systems (eg. those with HIV infections).
    4. People with weakened immune systems, either from birth (congenital) or due to acquired conditions.
    5. People with severe allergies to any ingredients in the Qdenga vaccine or those who previously experienced an allergic reaction to a Qdenga dose.