Body Analysis

Body Analysis

Many have felt extremely disappointed when they get onto their weighing two weeks into a new diet and workout routine. After striving to improve your health, you excitedly jump on your bathroom scale only to see the same number you saw before you put in all that hard work. You are immediately struck with deep disappointment. Perhaps you even calculate your BMI using your weight and height to find no fluctuation there either. Most of us can relate to the feeling of hopelessness; this could (understandably) cause the consideration to abandon this new workout routine entirely.

Body mass index (BMI) calculations have not really changed since they were derived by Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet in the 1830s. It is an extremely oversimplified indication of your body ideal weight and can be grossly inaccurate. While weight, height, and BMI measurements can give you a rudimentary assessment of your overall health, these measurements do not take into account body fat as opposed to muscle mass, or intracellular vs. extracellular water.

The InBody Scale that we are using in Beacon Hospital uses cutting edge technology that has helped professional athletes, astronauts, and everyday people fine-tune their health and wellness regimens.

In the scenario mentioned above, it is possible that all of your hard work has indeed paid off and that you have replaced body fat with lean mass (or muscle), but a simple BMI assessment would not be able to tell you that.

Best yet, there is no radiation involved. The InBody Scale has been found to be 98% as accurate as a DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan.


What Should I Expect During and InBody Test?

The InBody testing process is completely non-invasive, does not require x-ray imaging, and only takes a couple of minutes.

The first measurement taken will be your weight. Then your height, age, and sex will be entered into the machine. Next, you will need to hold the hand sensors on either side of the machine with your arms outstretched at about waist level with your thumbs on the sensors. That’s all there is to it! Once the InBody Scale has completed its reading, you will receive a detailed print out explaining your unique body composition analysis.

To get the most accurate reading, InBody testing should be done at least 3 hours after eating or exercising, and you should maintain your typical fluid intake the day before. Make sure you remove any heavy objects such as jewellery, belts, jackets, phones, or wallets before stepping onto the InBody Scale. In addition, you will want to make sure you have been standing upright for at least 5 minutes before your InBody test; this helps ensure your body fluid is evenly distributed.


What Will You Learn from InBody Test?

Not only will the InBody test results give you an in-depth look at your body composition broken down into body fat, muscle mass, and water weight, but they will break these readings down by each region of your body (i.e., your right arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg). You will learn about your unique makeup, find out if there are imbalances, and be able to track your progress with follow-up testing.


InBody Scale measurements can help you determine the following:

  • If you are drinking enough water or if you are dehydrated
  • Whether you are losing or gaining muscle mass and fat
  • How many calories your body is burning at rest
  • Your body fat percentage