Ultrasound of Pelvis

Ultrasound imaging of the pelvis uses sound waves to produce pictures of the structures and organs in the lower abdomen and pelvis. These exams are frequently used to evaluate the reproductive and urinary systems.


What are some common uses of the procedure?

In women, a pelvic ultrasound is most often performed to evaluate the:

  • uterus
  • cervix
  • ovaries
  • fallopian tubes
  • bladder

Pelvic ultrasound exams are also used to monitor the health and development of an embryo or foetus during pregnancy. 


Ultrasound examinations can help diagnose symptoms experienced by women such as:

  • pelvic pain
  • abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • other menstrual problems
  • Infertility

Ultrasound exams also help identify:

  • masses such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids
  • ovarian or uterine cancers

In men, a pelvic ultrasound is used to evaluate the:

  • bladder
  • seminal vesicles
  • prostate

Transrectal ultrasound, a special study usually done to provide detailed evaluation of the prostate gland, involves inserting a specialised ultrasound transducer into a man's rectum. This is usually done under a specialist and not at the screening level. 

In men and women, a pelvic ultrasound exam can help identify:

  • kidney stones
  • bladder tumours
  • other disorders of the urinary bladder