Colonoscopy is a ‘gold-standard’ test that enables doctors to look at the inner lining of the large intestine (rectum and colon), using a thin, flexible tube with a high-definition camera at the tip. If there is an abnormal finding during this procedure such as a polyp/s or a growth, it can be removed to be further examined under the microscope to determine the nature of the growth.

Who Should Get a Colonoscopy?
- People ≥ 45 years old who have no risk factors
- People who have a first-degree relative (i.e., mother, father, brother, sister, child) diagnosed with colon cancer (increased risk of having a genetic predisposition to developing colon cancer)
- Anyone who has symptoms of persistent blood in the stool, mucoid stool, or persistent change in bowel habits (>2 weeks)
- People with unexplained weight loss and/or anaemia
- Patients who have syndromes which puts you at risk for colon cancer
- Patients with Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis or inflammatory bowel disease
- Unexplained abdominal pain suspected to be due to inflammation of the colon i.e., diverticulitis